If you haven’t already, check out Lisa’s new release Sex, Lies and Bonsai. The story’s heroine Edie, is dumped by text-message. She flees Sydney for the refuge of her childhood home taking only a wilting bonsai to remind her of her failure. For more info, head to Lisa’s website.
So, as for me…
What is the working title of your current/next book?
My current release is Seducing the Secret Heiress published by Penguin’s digital imprint, Destiny Romance.
Where did the idea come from?
I was inspired to write about a reality TV Show as I took part in the Australian version of Dragon’s Den. Just the harsh spotlights alone are enough to raise your heart rate. Add judges, camera close-ups and a Director and the experience is really very intense, but exhilarating at the same time. I thought this pressure-cooker environment would make good fodder for a sexy romance.
What genre does your book fall under?
Seducing the Secret Heiress is a category romance. A short, emotional sexy ride.
What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
I reckon Abbie Cornish could play Charlie. Henry Cavill is perfect for Gabe.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
An heiress hiding her true identity meets and falls for a famous TV producer who despises rich socialites.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Seducing the Secret Heiress is published by Destiny Romance. I don’t have an agent.
How long did it take you to write the first draft?
About six months in all.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Oh, that’s a tough question!! Might have to think about that one.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
See above. But adding to that, I’d just been on a trip to Italy, so the story begins there as I wanted to capture the joy of visiting that wonderful country.
What else about the book might pique the reader's interest?
Well, the story features food (complete with food fight), sex, travel and reality TV – what more do you need?
I would now like to introduce you to three fabulous writers – Elise K Ackers, Louise Reynolds and Bernadette Rowley.
Elise K Acker’s debut novel with Destiny Romance - Small Town Storm - is a compelling romantic suspense story which kept me reading late into the night. Also check out The Man Plan: A light-hearted, contemporary romance about a young woman who goes looking for love, only to find it right under her nose. To find out more, visit Elise's blog, website or follow her on twitter or Facebook.
Louise’s debut novel Her Italian Aristocrat is now available at Destiny Romance. The story features career girl Gemma Parkinson. On a mission to buy a prestigious shoe company, Gemma arrives in Italy determined to succeed. But when she falls ill, effortlessly handsome local aristocrat, Luca Andretti, is on hand. Suspicious about Gemma's presence in his town, he offers to let her recuperate in his amazing palazzo. Surrounded by the lavish trappings of the rich - servants, designer clothes, fine food and wine - Gemma is completely out of her depth. Visit Louise at her website or blog.
Bernadette’s debut novel Princess Avenger is available at Destiny Romance. The romance between an avenging princess and her shape-shifting army captain contains elements common to many of the author’s stories; a tortured hero, strong heroine, and sizzling chemistry between the two. Visit Bernadette at her website.
Elise, Louise and Bernadette will post their answers to The Next Big Thing next week (or sooner after) so head on over to their blogs to check them out.