By the time you read this I will be out of mobile and Wi-Fi range and will be for five days. Five days of no email, no mobile calls, no internet, no twitter, no facebook. Just writing those words have fired up my angst.
What if while I’m out of range, I win the lottery and they can’t find me and give away my millions? What if my editor needs my permission for global distribution and translation into 140 languages but needs that permission today or the deal is dead? What if Hollywood calls having heard about my writing and wants me to write a blockbuster for a million dollar advance? What if a meteorite hurtles towards earth and I’m the only one that doesn’t know about meteorite-proof bomb shelters? What if? What if? What if?
So why am I heading off into a dead zone? Well the paragraph above might give you some insight. I’m a bit of a worrier. Around every corner there could be danger. So, I’m off to a health retreat for some fun, fitness and relaxation. Five days of healthy food, massages and exercise. My idea of bliss.
This will be me very soon!But, mobiles and computers are banned (am going to smuggle mine in just in case they’re lying about the Wi-Fi).
I find it funny (and just a little bit sad) how much I’m worried about being out of touch. Not too many years ago I lived my life with perfect contentment without having the internet and email in my pocket. Now, if I can’t check my email regularly (every ten minutes!! Who said that???) little hammers of concern tap at my brain.
It my iPhone’s fault. Now I can carry all forms of communication around in my pocket, I’m addicted.
I’m now off to drink copious amount of freshly brewed coffee. That’s banned too, so I’m going to pre-load! Don’t think I’ll mention this when I arrive at the retreat!