Visit Lisa: website, Facebook, Twitter, and Blog.

Visit Fiona: website, blog, Facebook and Twitter
What am I working on?
My latest story is inspired by a recent trip to a health retreat. All those fabulously fit and healthy staff members got me thinking. Do they live all the values they espoused? This story explores how you can often fake perfection on the outside but inside might be a different story. Also that no matter how you try to disconnect from your past it can come back and attack your well-ordered life. My poor characters!
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I love to travel. In my previous life as a marketer and management consultant, I travelled a great deal for work. I visited lots of amazing places and stayed in lots of amazing hotels. I’ve been lucky enough to have travelled first class, been picked up for work in limousines and attended events with celebrities. I use these experiences to inject a touch of glamour into all my stories.
My characters tend to arrive in my imagination with fabulous careers and are usually living in some exotic location. If they don’t live in an exotic location, they usually end up travelling to one at some point in the story.
Why do I write what I do?
I write sexy, glamorous stories as this is what I like to read. I love escaping into this world.
How does my writing process work?
My writing process has been a true evolution. The more I learned, the more it changed. When I started out I had no idea how to write a novel, so I just sat down and wrote from beginning to end. I produced a book, but threw out thousands and thousands of words along the way. As an ex-management consultant, I was determined to find a more efficient way. I read lots of books, attended lots of seminars and workshops and I kept writing. Then I found Karen S. Wiesner’s book, First Draft in Thirty Day. This book helped me hone my plotting skills and made my writing process much more efficient and, I believe, my stories much tighter.
I’d now like to introduce you to two writers who will reveal all about their process in the next few weeks.

Georgina’s novel with Destiny Romance came out on Valentine’s Day. Irrepressible You features notorious British celebrity, Ben Martindale and Amy Blaine, a perky blonde who dresses like a 1950s pin-up girl. Irrepressible You is available from Penguin, Amazon, iTunes and other good etailers.
Visit Georgina: website, blog, Facebook and twitter.

Leisl debut novel Killing Me Softly came out last year. Harlequin Junkie awarded Killing Me Softly five big hearts and said: If you are looking for a great romantic suspense, look no further than Killing Me Softly. I look forward to more stories by this author. Killing Me Softly is available from Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Destiny Romance and other good etailers.
But the big news is Leisl’s new book is out on 15 March. Dark Moon takes readers into a world of shapeshifters and magic.
Visit Leisl: website, Goodreads, Facebook and Twitter.
Visit Leisl and Georgina in the next few weeks to find out more about their writing process.